October 6th 2021 Day 1

Hello there.  

This is Robin de Brea.  

I am founder of Humanity, a political party registered with the Electoral Commission in the UK.  Humanity has been in existence since 2010.  I stood for Parliament in Derbyshire Dales in 2010, 2015 and 2017, trebling and then doubling again my vote on subsequent occasions.  In 2019, I chose not to stand, as, during the intervening period, I had unsuccessfully done my best to unite the progressive political parties behind a single progressive candidate as I had seen this as the only way of winning the seat for progressive policies.  Sadly I found all the other political parties chose to go their own separate competitive ways.  I decided not to waste further resources on standing again with no hope of winning the seat for progress.

And now I have chosen to produce an at-least-weekly blog to promote the vision of Humanity, of which you can see a history at www.facebook.com/humanitypoliticalparty. 

Today I wish to comment shortly on three items in the news that provoke me.  

I understand that yesterday the Home Secretary Priti Patel introduced new legislation that will prohibit public protest where the government considers that protest will significantly disrupt public activity.  Meanwhile, the government chooses not to adopt a response to climate change that will avoid the increasingly catastrophic future ahead of us.  Am I alone in wondering where the integrity lies in this?!   Is it a case of what you don't see won't exist, so let's do our best to prevent it from being seen, and damn the consequences?!

Secondly, Boris Johnson is suggesting that the government is not in any way responsible for the problems in the supply chain caused by the Brexit choices he and his government have settled upon. Let the employers pay higher wages to attract people into these unfilled vacancies, says Johnson.  And if they don't or can't?  And if they do and still there are not enough people to fill these jobs? What then, dear Boris?  When does it become something that the government chooses to take responsibility for?

Thirdly, this "levelling up" myth.  How does an £80 a month cut in Universal Credit, the freezing of income tax threshholds and the increase in National Insurance do anything other than level down?  Am I alone in believing that Boris Johnson is practising the art of deception in promising one thing and doing the opposite, bluffing, blustering, denying  and distracting from all responsibility for the mess he has created and steadfastly refuses to acknowledge!  If I say that I am doing one thing while doing the opposite, will I be able to fool enough people to get away with it?!

And one positive!  I watched a thoroughly inspiring TV programme last night on what we can do to reverse climate change, led by David Attenborough and a Costa Rican woman climate activist.  Inspirational!

Do have a good day, and please join this movement for a more humane world ...

